Start With This

I’ve been listening to the Start With This podcast by the writers of welcome to Nightvale. If you’re inclined I will posting the work assignments here as I work on my voice as a creator and a writer.

Brand Story: Dark Cottagecore

Phase 1: Creation

All of this will be done as content, kind of like “live building” my brand. Remembering that my following is small so making mistakes now is fine and preferable.

            Romanticizing My Life

                        Style Journey Videos:

Slowly building my “Baba Yaga” wardrobe; Doing my hair like a different fandom until I figure out how I like it,

                        Photo/ B-roll Drops

                                             Get comfortable shooting more clips throughout the week

                        World Build

                                             Work on creative writing prompts, learn your voice, talk about your world

                        Finishing/Decorating the house

Phase 2: Execution


               I love these, they’re my favorite videos to watch yet I never make them

            Style: in themes

               D&D, witch-core,