Springtime Chores on the Homestead Vlog

Everything about my YouTube is so extremely experimental. I’ve never really shot video before other than bad home movies and Facebook posts of fireworks, and I’ve never tried anything close to editing. I wanted another avenue to share my creativity and my projects through. And it was becoming increasingly obvious that in today’s world there is a place for blogs and a place for vlogs.

With my facility closed down for a week for “Summer Break” I thought I’d take the opportunity to shoot a bunch of content and try my hand at better understanding editing software. It was a noble intention toward getting ahead on these side hustles that are more like actual work. My goal for years has been to have the ability to quit my town job and work putting out art and content from my home. Unfortunately working in the service industry having the time to actually do this is pretty rare, and I also hadn’t found my true niche yet. I was shooting blindly into the dark hoping to hit a target audience.

With the rise of cottagecore and historybounding I have found my scene. My style and life might be a little more rough around the edges than the mainstream of those groups but they vibe with it just the same. If there’s one thing 2020 taught me is that there’s a large group of people who enjoy their life in the city but also want to vicariously experience the country and the slower pace of a life where your days are still spent meeting your basic needs.

There are for sure down sides to my life, everything I need is at least 30 miles away, the grocery store, hospital, work, feed stores….. and emergency service. There’s no trips to Target just for fun, as that is a two hour drive each way. And it’s hard finding ingredients for food that aren’t the most basic cuisine. I can’t tell you how long it’s been since I’ve had a concha…

All that aside, this is becoming a wonderful community and a full fledged subculture. It’s crazy to be in one so small and just starting out. You think in 30 years we’ll be like the elder Goths talking about the days of Trad Bounding?