Category: Uncategorized

I’m Back Baby!

Hey all! Sorry to have been gone so long but about a year ago my computer took a shit on me and it’s taken this long to have the extra cash to buy a new one! Unfortunately this all happened right after I got back into the groove of...

Bespoke Post Review

If you’re into bush-craft or waxed canvas odds are you’ve heard of bespoke post. Bespoke post is a subscription box that admittedly seems to be marketed towards men. All the reviews I could find online were linked to men’s magazines. So it’s safe to say that I’m not exactly...

Turning A New Leaf (Again)

Over the course of many years I’ve dabbled at this. The plan was always for it to turn into something more. Something that I could do for a living. The restaurant industry has burned me out many times, I don’t have the drive of other chefs. Cancer rocked my...