Category: Historical

Poor Man’s Honey (Dandelion Jelly)

A slow wind winds it’s way across the prairie, bringing a sharp chill to sunbaked skin. The light is harsh, washing out the variants of green into one pale sage. The run off from the mountains has been filling irrigation ditches for a little over a month now, these...

18th Century Kitchen Pepper

This recipe first appears in “The Lady’s Assistant” by Charlotte Mason circa 1787, I came across the idea through Historybounding and the Reenactment circle on YouTube. And as someone who’s favorite thing to do in kitchens is to make my own spice blends and combine flavors I was immediately...

Sourdough Pancakes (Sour Jacks)

Wyoming has long had a history of being very rural, being one of the states where most of the population still gets most of their food from places other than a grocery store. And its food culture has long been seen as desolate, but underneath that is a rich...

Foraged Chokecherry Syrup

Chokecherry syrup and jelly have become a staple in my household the past three years, even so much so I gave away some as a wedding favor. In late summer this tart, little, stone fruit turn black and become bursting with juice. So, named for their astringent qualities they...