
“I’m a Millennial and instead of picking a content lane I’ve decided to ride this 6 lane highway to crazy town. Come along for rural life content, food, books, and fandoms.”

Hailing originally from the river valleys of Northern Colorado, Stevie now calls The Snowy Range Mountains home. Before the Great Recession she started school for Bachelor’s of Fine Arts in both Fashion and Graphic Designs in Chicago IL. But had to return home, turning instead to a love of food she got a Technical Certification in Culinary Arts from the Emily Griffith Technical College in Denver, CO. Six years ago she, packed her jeep and her horses and made the move to her family land in Big Hollow Wyoming, the largest wind created indentation in the Western Hemisphere.

From this base camp she explores homesteading, bush-craft, traditional foods, horse rehabilitation, writing, and a personal study of ethnobotany. When not endeavoring with these pursuits she studies the history of American conservation and tackles its racist past, while fighting for more BIPOC representation.